Heloisa Fleury
Psychologin, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
Heloisa Fleury is the President of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy & Group Processes (IAGP); Psychologist/Psychodramatist in private practice, São Paulo, Brazil; Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Psychodrama; Editor of the Springer Nature Series Psychodrama in Counselling, Coaching and Education; Founder and Coordinator of Aprender Vivo Teaching, Extension and Research Institute; former President of the Brazilian Federation of Psychodrama (Febrap); former supervisor, Medical School, University of São Paulo; Co-Editor of Psychodrama in Brazil (2022) and other books, author of chapters and publications in Brazilian and international scientific journals.
Vortrag / Lecture
The future of Psychodrama on a global scale.